My discus (red mellon) is laying off eggs, please guys i need information about taking care of eggs? - discus varieties
I'm really glad to see my fish eggs fire, but I am a breeder of the new hard drive and I have no idea how to treat and care about him, I read a lot on their web sites, but very difficult to understand, I need simple tips for the care of them, such as --
1. Food should I upgrade (currently fed with Tetra-bit)?
2. I consider a partition in the tank? I (11 varieties of this discussion, won 2 Surp Tetra, 4 men)
3. Frequency of water change?
4. Tank cleaning frequency?
5. on / off the lights?
6. How often should my fish now so that we can cope with the eggs?
Please help me with this ... I'm excited and curious about the eggs now ....
I am so excited ............... YUPPPPPPPPPPPPYYYY ...
The practice of living baby, if there is "no fish" in the other tank. If you need to move an alternative to all other shell fish, you make even more than this. Self is a result of parents probably too scared to take care of children.
Otherwise, there are a number of books and articles on increasing the site drive. You decide to breed or not. It will not work in a community tank hard, so do not try to lose the effort.
No community tanks where spawning takes place spontaneously, with the possibility of eggs or fry from being eaten by tank mates always a real possibility. Often the parents themselves consumed eggs or fry! Several species of cichlids from South America, but is known to show the instincts of parents who are severum among them.
Since they hold eggs, is my hypothesis that in fact everything possible to make this a success just as significant. I delete all the other fish in the tank at the first signs of blows. I read that Corydoras are frequent targets of violent aggression during this time because of the spying spawning area. Tries Furtiva cat, secretly eating eggs or small fish are also beaten. Just keep an eye on things.
Move the eggs would probably interfere too much when the eggs on a surface that can be removed. When a disc can be used a piece of slate thrown against the aquarium glass at an angle - if you want to repeat the experience ever! Sometimes when you do notan appropriate means of reproduction, they find their own, and not always the correct type. For example, eggs laid in the heater) (a popular choice for some reason, rarely a day.
To answer your question, about the time the eggs hatch, however, is that a site had to say:
"The use of water with a pH of 6.0-6.5, a water hardness 2.6 DH, and a temperature of the warm water 81-86 ° F (27-30 ° C). A farmer to open up the 1000 to hatch, female, depending on size, eggs, stones before cleaning. The young people in 2-4 days and swim freely for 3-4 days. Sometimes larvae move to the graves of relatives. They are closely monitored by parents, although Men tend to the whole duty of defending the territory. "
When the females lay eggs, not the man that fertilization? Be careful, as sometimes in women. If so, how do I put the eggs in the tank community, there is little chance of survival, on the other hand, if their first clutch is almost certain that the parents eat less, because slavery among them. U can still see, or you may be artificially high, and you need experience. When will try as a couple, later allowed after the first clutch for the next cycle of time in a breeding tank U separatee (18 "-18" -18 ").
As for food, eating, reproduction, feeding programame best to live their parents.
It is better to change the water tank on the hard disk when reading or animals, no less than 10% per day
For tank storage is not lit, it is better, the reservoir naturally.Make some regulations for the fish should not reduce the sudden excitement in the depot to.
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