What is wrong with my mouth, I'm so scared!? - weird taste in mouth with lots of bloody phlegm
I will be as accurate as possible and provide as much detail as possible. Things I like to write is irrelevant if you read it, but I just want to ensure, everyone knows that I get a correct diagnosis:
There are about 3 weeks I got a cold and had lots of thick mucus that is deep in his throat. I have plenty of cold weather, I started Yasmin birth control. This is the first time that I have taken these pills. I had sex with a boy, but use a condom every time. Although, if I gave him oral sex, do not use a condom. We just had vaginal intercourse, I gave him oral sex, and we have not. He did not give me oral sex. I'm over my cold in a week, but mucus is still there! I awTaste of the ISDR in the back of the mouth 24 / 7. What you eat or how much I brush my teeth and tongue. And smell my breath because of it. I saw my face in the mirror today and discovered in the early white patches on the tonsils! I do not know how long you been there, because I just saw my face in the mirror tonight. Some were the size of the diameter of a draft of a mechanical pencil, and some were smaller than that. There are about 4 on the left tonsil, and 2 on the right side of the tonsils. White spots are just the almonds, nowhere in the mouth.
I am 17 years old. I am a woman. And I'm scared!
And I know I should call a doctor, but the hospital is now complete and the only thing that HE will open. I doubt that I will goin an emergency room. I call the doctor tomorrow morning, I just want to know if anyone any idea what my problem and how can I treat them.
Thank you!
Why did not you afraid to go to an emergency room? If you feel that something is wrong and immediately go to the nearest hospital instead of waiting and even more stressful for you.
I think it is or tonsillitis or sexually transmitted diseases (not so sure) or a sign of a weakened immune symptoms. As a rule, around the mouth of pus indicates infection.
You can gargle with antibacterial mouthwash or warm salt water every 3 hours. If that fails, then it is time to go to the doctor.
If you have not even diagnosed himself.
Does it hurt your neck?
Probably tonsillitis. I do it all the time. This can be through the physician, such as sore throat or be considered a simple sore throat, is the difference that is a bacterial infection of the throat and neck pain is a virus. I know you say they are not swollen or painful, but I had no infection, as in the past and that was the same. Sometimes we do not feel so strong.
If STREP and antibiotics to kill bacteria, if a virus is then not much you can take, because antibiotics do not kill viruses.
The white spots are actually pockets of pus as tonsilloliths. These horrible smell and taste so strong. That's where comes the bad breath. You can actually take place ifThey are not about her anymore, but one bite and you'll know!
Gargling with warm salt water twice a day, it seems that it will not do much, but makes a big difference. Take advantage of the vitamins. To avoid smoking. Tomarrow go to the doctor, you may receive antibiotics after the test.
This is probably not sexual, but who knows, maybe the bacteria come from there. It can really come from anywhere. Good luck, do not worry too much, but does not forget to make an appointment with the doctor.
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